life.snaps workshop - a photography workshop {south florida lifestyle photographer}
Yesterday evening, we had our first life.snaps workshop - a photography workshop for moms (or anyone else who wants to learn) who want to use their cameras to take fabulous and more creative photos. Tracy and I were very excited, a little nervous, and had been working hard this past week to have everything prepared. We purposefully kept the workshop small so that we would be able to give our attendees individual attention with their cameras, and our group of 5 was perfect. This post is actually in honor of all our attendees. A portion of the workshop is devoted to the technical side of shooting - iso, aperture and shutter speed. When I was first learning photography (MANY years ago), I struggled with this. I hope I was able to explain it well yesterday, but I always find that seeing examples of images with the technical information included is a big help. Actually, after yesterday's workshop, we are considering an add on where we take everyone shooting, so if you are interested, let us know what you think!
So ladies, here are some images of the details from the workshop with the technical info included. I know you can all visualize where theese photos were taken and the amount of light in the room.
Here is the first set of details... take your guesses...
changed my perspective and angle...
ISO - 800
Aperture - 2.8
Shutter Speed - 125
Here are images of the lemons on the coffee table. I photographed the left one first and decided that I did not like the background, so I moved myself to get a cleaner background in the image on the right.
ISO - 1200
Aperture - 2.8
Shutter Speek - 125
And, a big thank you to our first life.snaps workshop attendees! You made teaching a pleasure and we appreciate all your questions, input and participation. Please feel free to call or email us anytime with your questions! We hope you'll share some of your images with us!. xoxo